Custom Concrete Test Products
Accelerated Weathering Concrete Test Substrate
This 3" x 6" x 5/8" concrete test piece is stark white in color. It allows for color differentiation per ASTM D4587 Standard Practice for Fluorescent UV-Condensation Exposures of Paint and Related Coatings. Accelerated exposure testing of coatings are conducted according to Practices G151 and G154.
Broom Finish Concrete Test Blocks
These test blocks can be made in various design mixes (from 3,000psi to 7,000psi) at a minimum of 1" thickness.
High Alkali Concrete Test Slabs
These slabs can be made in various sizes and thicknesses with an internal re-bar cage. One recommended size is 4 ft. x 4 ft. x 3". A commercial design mix of 5,000psi could be used, or 3,000-4,000psi residential mix. A high alkali slab would be made with high alkali cement and/or high alkali aggregate and water, depending on the desired accelerated reactivity.
High Tensile Strength Test Blocks
TACM's Standard Test Blocks have an average 400psi tensile strength. Custom Test Blocks are available in a 600psi tensile strength. Additionally, 800-1,000psi tensile strength test blocks are in R & D development. The standard size for this is 16" x 16" x 1.5", however this can be made in various sizes and thicknesses.
Hot Tire Pick-Up Test Substrate
This concrete test substrate (multiple sizes) is made with a 4,000psi gray cement design mix. It is poured and processed just as a true garage floor slab would be (complete with troweling and curing processes). Sometimes this is produced in a smooth finish (as a regular slab) or pieces can be acid washed, mechanically ground or shot-blasted per a manufacturer's recommendation for surface prep prior to receiving a coating such as sealer, epoxy systems, paint etc.
Overlayment/Underlayment Pull Test
This in-house pull test uses an 8" x 8" x 2" concrete test block with a 2.5" diameter hole centered on the test block.
Rheology/Viscosity Test
Small Round concrete pieces (2" diameter, 1/2" thickness) are used on specialty testing equipment to test Rheology/Viscosity (fluid flow).
Weathering Simulation Test
Brick red 3" x 6" x 5/8" concrete test pieces are used for Weather Simulation tests for an early rain drop resistance and early rain puddle resistance. Currently, the red block test methods are customer and end application dependent.